Women over 50 and those who want to be one day: How is your posture? Have the decades been taking their toll?
A Telltale Sign That You Are A Posture Cheater
You might be level- headed, but are you level-hipped and level-shouldered? What do the right and left sides of your body tell about your stance if we take a sidewards glance? Are you a “posture cheater” who displays a sneaky telltale clue that gives you away when you fake standing tall?
Part 3 of our Posture series takes a look at posture from “both sides now” to figure out how you stand (Baby boomers – did you recognize that song title? Joni Mitchell was no slouch). We know where you stand–on top! Or lifted nicely once you add our tips on assessment!
For the record, that is not a peace sign K lays on A at the end of this short video, but bunny ears. Hop to it, sis!
Wonder what you missed in Parts One and Two of our posture series?
Well, pretty much this:
What’s Your True and Natural Posture? Part 1
And some of this:
Want Picture Perfect Posture? Part 2
Action Time: Subscribe to our Fun and Fit YouTube channel. You’ll find our entire posture video series over there.
Photo credit: Creative Commons, kittykaht
Kymberly Williams-Evans, MA and Alexandra Williams, MA